The Pokémon games gradually become more lovely to look at year by year and system by system, at about the rate that mighty rivers turn into Grand Canyons.
But graphical improvements do occur!
Here are the six main Pokémon games. See how they've evolved...
(But, before you do, click and drag the slider on the top image above, to compare the first game in the series with the newest.)
1998: Pokémon Red/Blue on the Game Boy starts simple.
Still via PokemonDungeonTV
2000: The Game Boy Color gives Pokémon Gold/Silver, and with it, the series... color.
Still via Chuggaaconroy
2003: A major font-kerning upgrade appears in Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire, on the Game Boy Advance.
Still via JakeTheHappySnake
2007: The Nintendo DS, uh, barely improves things. Thanks for nothing, Pokémon Diamond/Pearl.
Still via PokeGuideHD
2011: That's better, Nintendo DS! Pokémon Black/White have appreciably better graphics.
Still via PokemonJourneyHD
2013: Finally. With the help of the 3DS, Pokémon X/Y finally makes a Pokémon game look... modern. And spiffy!
Still via this morning's debut trailer for the October 2013 Pokémon X/Y.