This may be the first week in the entire history of Fancy Pants in which I will admit I saw a photo of Kingdom Hearts cosplay and thought "that's amazing", instead of the usual "oh God not again".
But then, it's been that kind of week in the world of cosplay.
To see the larger pics in all their glory (or so you can save them as wallpaper), right-click on the "expand" icon on the main image above and select "open in new tab".
Fancy Pants is a look at the world of cosplay (costume play), where people dress up as their favorite video game characters. Sometimes it works! Sometimes it...yeah.
As seen on vvmasterdrfan.
As seen on Nanahra.
As seen on kristinkat.
As seen on shiroang.
As seen on burloire.
As seen on Echolox.
As seen on Eyes-0n-Me.
As seen on PaleFunnyGhost.
As seen on LiquidCocaine-Photos.
As seen on yayacosplay.
As seen on 0kasane0.
As seen on MoonFoxUltima.
As seen on SusanEscalante.
As seen on AKIOMI.
As seen on CailinMarieCosplay.