The opening ceremonies for the 2012 Olympic Summer Games had their share of surprises, but we certainly weren't expecting to see a Nintendo 3DS among them. Get off the stoop, young man, and go do some sports!
I'm a fan of the 3DS myself, but I think I'd have a hard time sitting on the front porch and playing one while an entire freaking Olympic opening ceremony was happening nearby. Kids these days. With their technologizers and their three dees. It's only a matter of time before Smash Bros. is an official Olympic event. (Worse things could happen.)
Update: Game designer Martin Hollis informs me that ARM, the company that makes the 3DS processor, is based in Britain. So, one possible justification for the inclusion of a Nintendo product in a British opening ceremony.
Update 2: We've got the full clip in higher quality now, and it shows the full story—it looks like the segment was an exploration of our new era of social connectivity. And video games! Cool to hear some chiptune-y music playing at the Olympics.