Remember the Minecraft-playing couple who got engaged at MineCon back in November? Well, yes, they have now been lawfully wed and kissed and no man put asunder and all that goes along with the big day—including an outstanding Minecraft-themed throwdown for the reception. Chickens, sheep, a creeper, everything.
The Minecraft theme wasn't limited to just the reception. The bride, Asia, wore a Minecraft "diamond" necklace down the aisle, which is a brilliant touch. You can see it in that image above. The groom Matt (longtime Kotaku reader smi1ey) and his groomsmen all wore ties in a low-res Minecraft pattern.
Loads more pictures from their wedding album are at the link; their friends at produced this charming video of the big day. Craft a hankie, it'll get a little dusty.
Update: Smi1ey has a few more details and thank-yous to offer: The wedding was on April 22. The necklace was Asia's idea. The couple also wishes to thank Greg Aronowitz, who loaned them his Minecraft statues, and Jones Soda, which supplied the soft drinks at the reception—with Minecraft-themed labels (designed by Jnkboy)—for free. Second Update: Want to see those labels? Smi1ey has provided them, full-size, here. It's about a 5 MB .zip.
"The whole wedding was a culmination of a ton of people working and being really awesome," says Smi1ey. "Of course, Lydia Winters was the one who really hooked it up originally by letting me do the proposal! [at MineCon]."
Matt and Asia's Minecraft Wedding []