No, this story isn't going where you think it's going. It's actually going somewhere sensible, somewhere more video game developers - and artists in particular - should go.
"I've nothing against big tits - I'd rather have my head resting on a pair right now - but if you're going to try and stimulate someone on different levels, there's better ways to do it", Ninja Theory's Tameem Antoniades told PSM3.
"If you look at the stars in movies, the women people find really attractive are often not the ones with the biggest tits. You've got to be attractive on a different level."
"We did that in Enslaved with Trip. People loved her, not because she had big breasts and high heels, but because she felt like someone who could be your girlfriend. That to me is more attractive than a prostitute walking around with a big gun. Not to demean prostitutes - it's a valid form of commerce."
It's something I'm constantly disappointed with when putting together my Fine Art features. Seeing so many talented artists designing female characters with proportions and outfits that even comic characters would blush at does nobody any good whatsoever.
Devil, angel, pioneer: The truth behind Devil May Cry's unlikely saviour [CVG]