Poland celebrated the upcoming release of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings with a virtual Triss Merigold Playboy shoot. The Russian publisher of the game takes the promotion a step further with a real-life naked Witcher 2 calendar. Be warned: The accompanying video contains naked lady parts.
Ukrainian model known Klodi Monsoon lends her talents to the role of Triss in the live-action calendar. Her uncanny likeness to the redheaded sorceress is sure to please Russian fans of both Andrzej Sapkowski's fiction and the games inspired by it. That is, unless they're like The Witcher Wiki's Ausir, who finds himself disappointed that Klodi lacks the scars Triss should have gotten during the Battle of Sodden Hill. There's just no pleasing some people.
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings hits the PC on May 17. Expect plenty of virtual nudity.
Triss Merigold in a nude calendar in Russia [The Witcher Wiki]