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UFC Sues Ubisoft Over Two Words On The Back Of A Bad Game

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Two words on the back cover boilerplate of Fighters Uncaged have invited a lawsuit from Dana White and the UFC, which will probably supply a fresh dose of publicity for a game bound for the bargain bin after terrible reviews.

"Become the ULTIMATE FIGHTING weapon," says the back cover of the Ubisoft game, and the all-capped words is what sent Zuffa LLC, the company that owns the Ultimate Fighting Championship, to the courthouse. Zuffa/UFC in its complaint says the use of "ultimate fighting," for a game based on a culture of "illegal street fighting" harms the UFC brand and damages the work it's done in "moving away from the image of mixed martial arts as illegal street fighting, and taking it into the realm of a legitimate sport."

The suit, filed Thursday, seeks an injunction blocking Ubisoft from using UFC's Ultimate Fighting trademark and blocking further distribution of Fighters Uncaged until all offending words can be scrubbed off the back cover. Also, money.


Honestly, if anyone should sue Ubisoft for Fighters Uncaged, a Kinect game we hated, it should be those who bought it.


UFC Sues Video Game Company Over Alleged Trademark Infringement [Las Vegas Sun via The Escapist]