Japanese arcades continue to exist in Japan, and game companies like Sega continue to make games for them. They are past their heyday in Japan, but China is another story. China is on the up.
The second largest economy in the world, China is ripe for the picking — or so Sega apparently thinks. Starting next spring, the Tokyo-base game company, known for arcade classics like Out Run and Virtua Fighter, will begin selling its titles and creating new games in China. Sega is currently working with investment and joint-venture companies.
This represents a serious step forward in China for Sega.
Details are scant, and it is unclear what titles and franchises will be involved. However, as the original report mentions the the "amusement" industry, it's logically expected that Sega will begin in arcades.
For years now, Japanese arcade games have been imported into Chinese arcades, and titles like The King of Fighters have a serious and devoted following. More recently, Japanese companies, especially sticker picture companies, are being more proactive about moving into the Chinese amusement industry.
A healthy Chinese arcade industry could benefit the global arcade business as it would spark new title development.
セガ、中国に本格進出=遊戯ゲーム事業、来春から (時事通信) [Yahoo!ニュース] [Pic]