Over in South Korea, popular Japanese manga-slash-anime Crayon Shin-chan is getting its own online game. But will it have Shin-chan's infamous butt dance?
Developed by both Rainfall Soft and Daewon Media, the title is a 2D action role-playing game. Several Shin-chan console games have already been released in Japan.
This year is the twentieth anniversary of the Crayon Shin-chan manga. Last September, the creator of Crayon Shin-chan went missing during a hiking trip. He was later found at the bottom of a cliff and questions arose whether his death was an accident or suicide.
"オラもオンラインゲームになるゾ"。韓国Windysoftなど3社が「クレヨンしんちゃんオンライン」を共同開発中。ティザーサイト開設(クレヨンしんちゃんオンライン) [4Gamer via オレ的ゲーム情報]