Capcom isn't stopping at Sengoku Basara 3 food. How do you like them apples? No, literally.
The game's latest anime will be broadcasted from July 11, and Capcom has teamed up with the city of Ueda in Nagano Prefecture to offer Sengoku Basara apple juice, cider (sweet and dry) and apple win.
Priced at ¥860 (US$9.70), the apple juice is made from Nagano apples. Using a special fermentation process, the cider has less than 8 percent alcohol and is priced at ¥1,850 ($21) for 720ml. The wine is priced at ¥1,320 ($15).
...And there are Sengoku Basara apple cookies, too.
Capcom has made Sengoku Basara drinks before as well as rice.
If only Americans could love this Dreamy samurai game...
「戦国BASARA弐」と上田市がコラボ、シードルやクッキーなど続々販売へ [GIGAZINE]