What is EA's "Project Red," the mysterious game that was just rated by Australia's ratings board? It could be the game also known as "Project RedLime" the game also widely believed to be a new Syndicate.
The new OFLC rating for the game known as "Project Red" doesn't tell us much—as OFLC ratings are wont to do—other than that it comes with "strong violence" and that the "gaming experience may change online." It also doesn't tell us, explicitly, that this is Starbreeze Studios' take on the classic cyberpunk Syndicate universe. It does tell us that EA is getting a little bit better about masking its game announcements.
Speaking of, shouldn't an official reveal of Project Red be coming soon, if the game's already being submitted to a government ratings board? If it does, we'll pretend to be surprised if the game, like 2K Marin's modern take on XCOM, makes the switch from isometric view to first-person shooter view.
PROJECT RED [OFLC via Joystiq]