In 2008, actor star Bruce Willis, known for his Die Hard films, signed on to play mercenary Adam "Kane" Marcus, who with batshit insane partner James Lynch is out to retrieve a stolen microchip. He now has a co-star.
Veteran stunt coordinator Simon Crane will make his directing debut and helm the picture, and scribe Kyle Ward will pen the script. (Ward is also writing the big screen version of adventure game Uncharted.) "The script has been incredibly well-received around town," producer Adrian Askarieh said in 2009. "After Bruce Willis read it, he called it one of the best action scripts he's ever read, and Bruce is an expert in terms of action scripts because he's read everything over the last 20 years."
Billy Bob Thornton has long been rumored to play Kane's crazy partner, James Lynch. According to Variety, however, Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx has signed on to play the role. The character is white in the video game, which might be inspired casting on the part of the films' producers as it puts the film in a long line of black-guy/white-guy buddy flicks like 48 Hours and Lethal Weapon. Or it could just be that Jamie Foxx is not only a superstar, but also a talented actor.
The film goes into production this August.
Jamie Foxx in play for 'Kane and Lynch' [Variety Thanks, Jay!] [Pic, Pic]