The Xbox 360's online service Xbox LIVE is available in 26 countries. Poland is not one of them.
The service is available to other European Union countries, but it is not officially available to Polish gamers. (Those with broadband connections and American credit cards can apparently get online.) Polish gamers are claiming that as a member of the EU, Poland should be getting the same service that is offered to other countries in the European Union.
Concerns about piracy have apparently held Xbox LIVE back.
For the past six years, Microsoft Poland has talked about the introduction of LIVE. Former Xbox exec Peter Moore said that the service would eventually come to Poland. It hasn't happened. Nothing much has happened! Well, topless model Ania (pictured) promoted Halo 3 in Polish lads mag CMK (think Maxim) — a game noted, ironically, for its online play. Oh, there was a Master Chief balloon, too. Neat.
Website WeWantLive has launched to put pressure on Microsoft to offer the same service it does elsewhere in the European Union for Polish gamers. It seems to be working as Microsoft Poland has apparently issued a statement:
Xbox is very committed to the Polish market and is appreciative of the passion and excitement that our community of users show for our products, including Xbox LIVE. This year, 2010, is going to be a historic year for Xbox and our aim is to bring to our Polish community of users the full and best interactive experiences possible on the Xbox 360. We currently finalizing our plans for the Polish market that we will become public at the forthcoming E3 consumer trade show, later in June. Our Polish community of Xbox users should expect to hear more about how we will take the Xbox 360 experience to another level in Poland.
Another level? By offering a service that is already available in other European countries? That isn't the next level, it is the level.
In Poland, Xbox LIVE is just like Ania: pure fantasy.
WeWantLive - co dalej? [We Want LIVE Thanks, Paul!]