In a roundabout way, one New Zealand girl got her stolen Xbox back.
Wellington-based newspaper The Dominion Post tells the tale of 11-year-old Rena Sciascia, whose dad was too hobbled by a broken leg to chase a burglar who bolted from the Sciascia's home earlier this week with Rena's iPod and Xbox in hand.
Rena grabbed dad's crutch and gave chase. She told the paper:
"I was scared but I wanted my Xbox and iPod back. I saw him trying to put on a hoodie but as soon as he saw me he sprinted off."
She lost him after a 500-metre chase.
The police later tracked down the alleged burglar. Rena's iPod was lost, but her Xbox was found in a bush near the family's home.
Dad seems proud. Mom, too. Here she is: "[Rena] does not tolerate any injustice. I am extremely proud of her but have told her about the potential danger."
Rena determined to catch burglar [The Dominion Post] [PIC]