While the Xbox 360 isn't exactly setting Japanese retail on fire, Microsoft Game Studios has made a valiant effort to release Japanese-style role playing games like Blue Dragon.
That doesn't look to be stopping.
In a classified listing on Japanese language job site DODA, Tokyo-based developer feelplus Inc., a subsidiary of AQ Interactive, announced that from henceforth it is working on a "large scale RPG for Microsoft". The AQ Interactive job listing is for "Game Designer [3D motion, etc]" — though not necessarily for the Microsoft title.
Feelplus previously worked with Mistwalker on the Xbox 360 role playing game Lost Odyssey (pictured), Blue Dragon Plus and Ninety-Nine Nights II.
株式会社AQインタラクティブ/ゲームデザイナー【3Dモーションなど】の求人情報 − 転職ならDODA(デューダ) [DODA Thanks, pigz0011!]