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GameStop Out Of Its Ducking Mind With New Wii Bundles

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Something is clearly amiss, to put it lightly, at GameStop corporate, as evidenced by the game retailers latest Wii promotional bundles. One comes with a squirt gun, the other with a rubber ducky. You know, for... bathing, maybe?

Whether GameStop has simply found itself with a few thousand squirt guns and plastic ducks unexpectedly, or its simply trying to score a post on Kotaku pointing out how batshit insane this is, these two bundles are of questionable purpose. Value, yes, as you're essentially getting a rubber ducky for free. But the Nintendo Wii Summer Fun Bundle and the far more suggestive Nintendo Wii Take a Bath with a Buddy Bundle are curious in their need to exist.

Oh, and there's another Wii bundle with a pirate tattoo sleeve. What.

Remember, there is a strict limit of two per household!

Nintendo Wii Systems [GameStop - thanks, Grant!]