At 1:30 Tokyo Time, Nintendo kicked its fall press conference. Since Nintendo is not attending the Tokyo Game Show, we expect the event to have some year end surprises and hopefully a bombshell or two. When we asked about invites, Nintendo Co., Ltd. told us that the event is Japanese press only, so we'll be doing a not-so-live liveblog — AKA translating the Famitsu and Gemaga liveblogs.Not wasting any time Nintendo has announced the new DS, called the "Nintendo DSi".
The specs for the new Nintendo DSi are announced: It eschews the GBA slot (boo!) in favor of a range of improvements. The handheld's screens have been enlarged, and will now be 17% bigger (at 3.25 inches) than those found on the DS Lite. As for the rumored additions, both have proven to be correct, with "audio enhancements" made to the handheld, while it will also now include two 0.3 megapixel cameras. "So the health of the DS continues to grow," said Iwata, "we are putting out this new version."
The Nintendo DSi can adjust pitch and playback, making it ideal for language study and listening to music. What's more, the DSi features an SD memory card slot, making it possible to take pictures with the DSi and then view them on the Nintendo Wii. The DSi features a built-in browser, and it's possible to download games and keep them on the DSi. There is a DSi Shop, which users can download DSiWare from as well. Pricing categories for the DSiWare are: Free, 200 points, 500 points and "Premium" or 800 points. Customers will get 1000 free points to spend at the DSi Shop that are good until March 2010.
The portable is dated for November 1st in Japan and priced at ¥18,900 (US$179). It will be available in white and black.
Nintendo's demo kiosk, the DS Station, has entered its second phase, which is called "nintendo zone". The service will begin at McDonalds in Japan. Nintendo promises a rush of upcoming software for the DSi.
They are now talking about how Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles will link the DS and the Wii. A trailer for DS title Dragon Quest IX is being shown. The game, as we broke yesterday, will be out next March. The DS portion of the press conference has concluded, and we've moved onto the Nintendo Wii portion.
Iwata is addressing an issue that has bothered many a Wii owner: memory storage. "We have to address the console's insufficient memory storage," said Iwata. Doing so, Nintendo is going to make it possible to download games onto SD cards starting Spring 2009 via the Shopping Channel. Nintendo is going to ship a 3 minute movie called "Wii de Dekiru Koto" (What You Can Do With The Wii). It shows users how to easily connect to the internet. Nintendo is also putting special Wi-Fi adaptors on the market as well. Plus, the company is launching a new campaign by giving those who cannot connect to the internet 500 points.
For the Wii version of Animal Crossing, it's possible to swape data over the DS version and use Miis in-game. The debuted-at-E3 Wii Speak gets a November 20th sale date in Japan for ¥7,800 (US$74). Now showing Wii Sports Resort. Nintendo is re-releasing GameCube titles like Pikmin under a new series called "Wii de Asobu Selection" (Play on Wii Selection). Next up, upcoming Wii titles: Punch Out, Another Code and Sin and Punishment 2. And for the first time, the Musou (Dynasty Warriors) series from Koei is coming to the Wii. That's right, Sangoku Musou 3 will be appearing on the Nintendo Wii. Namco Bandai's Tales series is also coming to the Nintendo Wii. A new trailer for Monster Hunter 3 (tri) is shown, too.
Iwata leaves the stage. Shigeru Miyamoto comes on stage and does a Wii Music presentation. "I wanted the Wii to be a game console that makes your living room bigger," said Miyamoto. A Wii Music jam session follows. Miyamoto is now talking about Wii Music. "If only I had this video game when I was a kid." Continuing, he adds, "If kids play with this, what will they become?" He goes on to wonder what professional musics will make of it. A video of a Japanese conductor playing Wii Music is shown. The presentation wraps up, and the press conference is over.Click to view 任天堂カンファレンス2008.秋 [Famitsu] 任天堂カンファレンス2008.秋 [Gemaga] [Pic]