Anyone who co-habits with a non-gamer - be they partner, parent or pissed off flatmate - will have had the "Why is this shit in front of the TV" conversation. Rock Band takes this to new levels of lounge clutter - the drum kit in particular is a real carpet-hog, It's even worse if you have to lug it across town to your bandmates' place. Purveyors of kerwality peripherals Mad Catz have a possible solution - this portable Drum Kit is basically just the 'skins' from the drum pads that you can lay on any surface you like. It's not going to feel as satisfying as thwacking the real thing, but with the included drum pedal and 'noise-reduction' sticks you might avoid another tidying up argument for a mere $59. Portable Rock Band drum kit rids your living room of clutter [Dvice via ChipChick via SlipperyBrick]
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