Into the Pixel is an annual competition which seeks to award and highlight the best video game art in the business.
This year's winners have been announced, and each piece will be showcased during E3 next week.
It's a prestigious competition, one that not only puts the artist and their work on the mantelpiece just as the world is tuning into E3, but also affords them the chance to be judged and awarded by their peers, whether they also be from the video game business or are just artists in general.
Among the judges this year were Blizzard's art manager Seth Spaulding and iam8bit's founder Jon Gibson.
In total, sixteen pieces were selected to comprise the final exhibition. Most of the artists involved has been featured here on Fine Art previously.
A special congratulations must be in order for the Destiny art team, who managed to get two pieces into the final 16, by Dorje Bellbrook and Jaime Jones respectively.
Other games making the cut include Assassin's Creed IV, Dragon Age III, Rayman Legends and The Last Of Us.
You can see every winning entry below.
To see the larger pics in all their glory (or, if they’re big enough, so you can save them as wallpaper), click on the “expand” button in the bottom-right corner.
Fine Art is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of both their professional and personal portfolios. If you're in the business and have some concept, environment, promotional or character art you'd like to share, drop us a line!
ASSASSINS CREED IV (Martin Deschambault)
BROKEN AGE (Nathan Stapley)
RAYMAN LEGENDS (Michel Ancel, Jean Christophe Alessandri, Lu Yang, Christophe Messier, Jean Brice Dugait, Simon Quemener, Sebastien du Jeu, Christophe Villez, Anthony Le Du, Jean-Baptiste Rollin, Benjamin Mouret, David Garcia)
COMMAND & CONQUER (Raymond Swanland)
DESTINY (Jaime Jones)
DESTINY (Dorje Bellbrook)
DRAGON AGE III (Nick Thornborrow, Matt Rhodes)
DARK AGES (Brian Thompson)
ICYCLE (Reece Millidge)
STARCRAFT II: HEART OF THE SWARM (Jeff Chamberlain, Anthony Eftekhari, Ray Chih, Yong Hyun Kim, Kirti Pillai, Laurent Pierlot, Takuya Suzuki, Fausto DeMartini, Vitaly Bulgarov, Chris Yang, Mike Kelleher, Sada Namaki, Shawn Liang, Jim Jiang, Seth Thompson, Bill LaBarge, Hsuan (Steven) Chen)
SUPER TIME FORCE (Mike Nguyen & Vic Nguyen)
LAST OF US (John Sweeney)
WONDERBOOK (Tyler Schatz, Christina Faulkner)