SCEE have announced two new PS3 bundles for Europe, to mark the launch of the new 80GB console. The first, to be released on September 10, will include the 80GB unit, two DualShock 3 pads and a copy of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. A decent bundle, that, because consoles with two included controllers are a rare and precious thing these days. But the second bundle? Won't exactly have you begging "oh man, when does [your relevant market] get this?". Due for release on October 29, it'll include an 80GB PS3, one DualShock and...and...
...a copy of Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis on Blu-Ray. Which we're guessing is just for the French-speaking market. Nothanks.jpg. Two new packs PlayStation 3 [Gamekyo]