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This Week's Cosplay: Mass Effect Steps Out in Style, Pokémon Dreams Come True

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Mass Effect is fancy, don't you know? Fancy enough to wear suits. And all it takes is a fancy camera and a wonderful costume to bring Pokémon ladies to life.

Those, and more hard truths in cosplay, can be found in this week's Fancy Pants roundup.

We've also got an incredible Cloud from Final Fantasy, a human being pretending to be a robot dressed as a human, gender-bending Left 4 Dead cosplay and somebody dressed up as box art. Yup. Box art.


Fancy Pants is a look at the world of cosplay (costume play), where people dress up as their favorite video game characters. Sometimes it works! Sometimes it...yeah.

As seen on ALBOTAS.

As seen on pikminlink.

As seen on lolitaMYangel.

As seen on KellyJane.

As seen on Manjou.

As seen on Mostflogged.

As seen on misslarisacroft.

As seen on ormeli.

As seen on Lillagon.

As seen on SailorMappy.

As seen on behindinfinity.

As seen on The-Final-Distance.

As seen on NanjoKoji.