On Japanese game show Tore!, contestants must do more than solve puzzles and show their knowledge. In one part, they must climb a wall. In another, they must avoid mummification.
Today, website Gamer announced that the show is getting a 3DS game—which makes sense as Tore! seems like a live-action video game. In the clip below, you can see contestants climb a wall which moves at an increasingly inclined angle.
Realize that they are trying to climb to where monitors are located on the wall so they can answer quiz questions.
One of the most interesting parts of the show is the mummification. Contestants need to complete a list of seven answers within sixty seconds to avoid being turned into a human mummy.
For example, Ryuichi Kosugi attempts to name seven words that use the kanji for "thin" (薄). The gag is that his hair is thinning.
And success! But not everyone is so lucky.
Here is comedian Shinya Ueda trying to give the full names of seven Japanese baseball team managers.
He did it with two seconds to spare and avoided being put into the coffin. However, he still ended up getting fully wrapped.
Model Reina Triendl tries to list seven members of the family in the anime Sazae-san. Make that, unsuccessfully trying.
And finally, impressionist Croquette gives a go at listing off seven national holidays. No, Croquette, Christmas is not a national holiday in Japan!
Tore! had a two-hour special earlier this week in Japan. You can see more about the show on its official Japanese site below.
The Tore! video game currently does not have a launch date. No word yet about a release outside of Japan. That information is, as they say, under wraps.
Tore! [Official Site]
テレビ番組「謎解きバトル TORE! 宝探しアドベンチャー」が3DSでゲーム化決定!ゲームオリジナルのステージも登場 [Gamer]
Videos: dwe xing, baj qi, saido seto, lifox rui, 志村太一 via Youku
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