In Japan, popular manga and anime series Fullmetal Alchemist is getting a feature film. It’s slated for a winter 2017 release. The fictional setting was inspired by Europe, but the movie’s cast will be Japanese.
According to Natalie, the movie will be directed by Fumihiko Sori, who is best known for the 2002 film Ping Pong.
Boy band member Ryosuke Yamada stars as Edward Elric, while actress Tsubasa Honda is Winry Rockbell and actor Dean Fujioka is Roy Mustang. Here’s how the cast compares to the original characters:
Some of the actors resemble the characters better than others.
“I want to depict something that follows the original work as much as possible,” Sori said. “The cast is entirely Japanese, but the setting is Europe. However, their race and nationality isn’t expressed in a specific form.”
Well, other than them being entirely Japanese and speaking in Japanese, but there you go.
Considering how the country has seen a string of bad anime and manga live-action movie versions, the reaction online so far in Japan hasn’t been hopeful for this latest effort.
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