Over the weekend, the Sears website had an interesting price glitch—Wii U and 3DS bundles, typically $300 and $200, respectively, were instead selling for $60 each.
It was clearly a mistake, and Sears was quick to correct it. But before they could, crafty gamers all across the United States went to all sorts of stores—Sears included—in hopes of price-matching the deal and saving ridiculous amounts of cash on a brand new Nintendo system.
This weekend's adventure was first brought to my attention by Kotaku reader princessfielder, who wrote:
Funny (hilarious actually) story: I work at Sears part-time on weekends, and yesterday we had a dude come in and ask us to price match that Mario Wii U bundle for $59.99. I just laughed and was like "Sure, buddy." He proceeds to pull out his phone, show us the sears.com page for that Wii U bundle, and it says $59.99, no "online only" pricing or anything. After about 40 minutes of waiting, our manager finally declined the sale after finding a price alert in our system. This was going on all over.
It wasn't just Sears, though. Some people—who documented their adventures on Reddit and elsewhere—took the deal to big box stores like Best Buy and Walmart in hopes of getting a price match. Some stores told gamers that this deal was clearly an error, and that it couldnt' be accommodated.
But others...
Here's a photo from Redditor waterpologuy, who went to Toys'r'Us yesterday:
Another Redditor, vaosu, convinced Walmart to price-match the deal, too:
And a third Redditor, Barbasolbabe, said they snagged three, which sure will make for a nice profit:
Sadly, Sears has corrected the mistake, so the chances of getting anyone to match this deal now are pretty slim. The rest of us will just have to seethe in jealousy.