Remedy's long-awaited sequel is a narratively thrilling experience that benefits from an uncompromising creative…
It's time we free ourselves from the shackles of paying homage to legacy cyberpunk media
It’s astonishing to think how much of the world has changed thanks to the internet. It’s difficult to think of…
Human beings are the most important ingredients in game design. Without the participation and attention of an actual…
You know, while I was editing and writing my interview with William Gibson for this piece, I kept lamenting about…
The French artist has left a legacy that is almost impossible to put into words
In an interview with author William Gibson, the creator of the notion of "cyberpunk"—a milieu that remains heavily…
Dead Space 2 is one of the year's most anticipated games, and we've got an inside look at the action-horror…
Chances are you've heard me mention cyberpunk before, maybe as a tangent to a rant about steampunk — but this…