Here’s Wilson’s Heart, a noir VR game from Twisted Pixel. It’s coming to Oculus Rift in 2017.
Twisted Pixel has split off from Microsoft, and is once again an independent studio, according to a report from IGN. This isn’t the first time Microsoft has allowed a developer to go off on their own; it happened to Bungie back in 2007. Given Destiny’s success, perhaps they regret that decision now. Read more
Talking cars. Who doesn't like talking cars? And talking cars that can blow stuff up? Even better. Except in this…
Updates about LocoCycle—the next game from the creators of The Maw and The Gunstringer—have been few and far in…
When Microsoft showed off a glimpse of Twisted Pixel's upcoming game at E3 last year, I hoped that it would be a…
Not much was shown for new Xbox 360 title LocoCycle at Microsoft's E3 2012 media briefing but the short teaser…
Microsoft has bought Twisted Pixel, the studio responsible for games like 'Splosion Man, Comic Jumper and Gunstringer…
Some of the best ideas are born of strange, stressful circumstances. Case in point: Twisted Pixel's inspired and…
Like many folks, I've got a complicated relationship with pre-game splash screens. On the one hand, I like that…
If you're a fan of video game soundtracks, you can pick up a hefty 27-track compilation for free right now from The…
The Gunstringer is likely the first dead cowboy puppet shooter you've ever played.
Although known primarily for its Marvel Comics tables, the pinball simulator Pinball FX 2 has other crossovers,…
Back in July, FX Pinball 2 creator Zen Studios revealed that Twisted Pixel's Ms. 'Splosion Man would supply the…
I've finally got a reason to reconnect the Kinect to my Xbox 360.
Two things we're quite sure of regarding Ms. Splosion Man, the next game from Twisted Pixel and semi-sequel to Xbox…
Twisted Pixel's sequel to 2009 explosive action-platformer 'Splosion Man, the more feminine Ms. 'Splosion Man, comes…
Ms. Splosion Man is full of surprises. First, it's called Ms. Splosion Man. Second, you can control two Ms. Splosion…
In Josh Bear's happy dream, Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Donkey Kong and Super Mario, was sitting on a toilet.
Twisted Pixel's new shooter for the Xbox 360, The Gunstringer, might make you feel better about Kinect controls. It…