Kyoto's Q-Games, the studio behind PixelJunk and a whole host of wonderful titles, is auctioning off a signed ThinkGe…
PixelJunk Shooter 2, the sequel to Q-Games' inventive PlayStation Network game, adds more than just light and acid…
Q-Games continues its series of deceptively simple PlayStation Network games with PixelJunk Shooter, where danger…
Christmas comes early to the PlayStation Network, as Q-Games fourth PixelJunk brand game, dubbed PixelJunk Shooter,…
Few games that I've seen benefit as much from being seen in video, as opposed to in stills, as PixelJunk Shooter. So…
This year's annual E3 Expo gathering of video game developers, publishers and players brought with it an…
Sure we had some PixelJunk Shooter single player impressions, but what about the co-op mode, newly playable at this…
By Josiah Munsey
E3 is Vegas on crack, lights pulsing, base thumping, nunchucks swinging, people dancing for joy to…
Despite the inherent goodness of their previous games, Q-Games' upcoming PixelJunk 1-4 was never going to sell with…