Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is coming to the 3DS eShop this November for $19.99. Originally released for the original DS in 2008, the 3DS game features updated 3D graphics, and includes both the Japanese and English versions, with odd regional variations intact. Neat!
Ace Attorney is a series that covers dozens of trials across more than a century in its eight games. But with…

Yes, Aviary Attorney stars birds. You'll remember that the feather-flaunting ex-dinosaurs have also taken our dating…
This week at the Cannes Film Festival, Japanese director Takashi Miike tipped off he was working on a Phoenix Wright adaptation
It must be tough for lesser-known games when the Nintendo Download contains a big-name title like Phoenix Wright:…
Phoenix Wright finally makes it to the big screen next week, when Capcom releases a port of the DS game that…
Phoenix Wright is the most badass attorney next to Law & Order's Jack McCoy. He's so awesome that he even has his…
How big a following does the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney series have? Large enough to spawn a 240-page art book,…
Takarazuka is no stranger to adaptations; their five troupes have each put on works based on Western literature and…