Ouya, the tiny, Kickstarted Android console, is officially dead. Razer announced that all services will be shut down June 25, 2019. So long, Ouya, and thanks for Towerfall.

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After a long and emotionally trying development process, That Dragon, Cancer comes out on January 12, delivering an interactive biographical portrait of a family’s fight against childhood cancer.

PC hardware company Razer has purchased Ouya, for some reason. Maybe they’ll meld it with their other Android box? Is anyone actually interested in any of these microconsoles? The world may never know.

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Soul Fjord, the Ouya exclusive by Portal creator Kim Swift and her team at Airtight Games (Quantum Conundrum), will be out on January 28. It's free-to-play (with in-app purchases, of course, because nothing is ever really free).

It's a nice day for a white Ouya. Just in time for Christmas, the tiny Android console gets its first limited edition recolor. At $129.99 it's $30 more than the standard edition, but it's also $30 prettier and comes with 16GB storage instead of 8GB, so it all works out.
