It's no secret that today's soldiers train on all manner of video game-style simulators. In the United Kingdom's…
It's a messy, sad tale, so we'll give you the brief version: In 2001 there was an awesome game called Operation…
Brothers Ondrej and Marek Spanel—who spent their childhood in communist Czechoslovakia playing Atari games "bought…
Sion Lenton, a developer who worked on the latest Operation: Flashpoint game, gives us a "food for thought" moment…
Codemasters follows up last year's realistic tactical shooter Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising with an all-new…
They've got to be much too busy dealing with the sad situation in the fictional country of Chernarus, where Western…
Previous press for Operation Flashpoint 2 has been a little unrealistic. Lots of suspect-looking screenshots. But…
Original Flashpoint developers Bohemia Interactive may be trying to (understandably) rain on Operation Flashpoint…
History lesson: Bohemia Interactive's Operation Flashpoint was one of the most ambitious PC games ever developed.…
As I discovered after posting about my experience with Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising at E3, I discovered…
There's a feeling you get when playing Operation Flashpoint that no game since has managed to capture. Not even…