The Monogatari anime franchise has given us four TV series and several specials since it started in 2009. So it’s…
After the fall iteration of the Monogatari franchise, I must admit to being a bit worried. Luckily, on New Year's…
While delayed for several months, Hanamonogatari, the latest tales from the sprawling Monogatari franchise, has…
I love the Monogatari franchise, I think it is one of the most entertainingly-written and well-directed anime of the…
Back in summer, I called Monogatari Second Season one of the five anime you should be watching. This is because it…
When the summer 2013 anime season started early last month, I told you a little bit about each anime and where to…
As we’re coming up on the summer anime season, I’ve been purusing the upcoming shows looking for what I should keep…