Tears for Yuna: I've always loved reading and talking with critic Leigh Alexander about Final Fantasy games, and her terrific new article about replaying Final Fantasy X is no exception. Read more
A Childhood Spent With Computers: Writer/Kotaku contributor Leigh Alexander has published an ebook titled Breathing Machine: A Memoir of Computers. It's all about growing up alongside the computers of the 1980s and 90s, and it's good! You can get it at Amazon or a bunch of other places, and read an excerpt here.
“Sometimes I’m tempted to just, like, lie,” laughs a colleague across a table from me.
On Monday, Kotaku ran Eric Zimmerman's Manifesto for a Ludic Century, a treatise on the importance of games as a…
The Nirvana of Video Games? Video games need a grunge movement, or at least that's what Kotaku contributor and 90s aficionado Leigh Alexander argues in this excellent piece over at Gamasutra. It's a version of a talk she recently gave at a UK games convention, and it involves Paula Abdul.
The cash machine showed my balance at 245,000. It was the most money I’d ever collected. I’d already paid off a good…
Final Fantasy VII is out on Steam, so I thought this might be a good opportunity to point readers to "The Final Fantasy VII Letters," a series Leigh Alexander and I wrote back in 2011. She was a FFVII veteran and I'd never played, and together we went on a journey that changed us forever. Or, well, we had fun, anyway.
About two years after The End came a memorable day: Mark unearthed an incredible stash. Coarse-knuckled and…
Over at Gamasutra, longtime Kotaku contributor Leigh Alexander has written a harsh, well-argued critique of the Xbox One, calling it a desperate prayer to stop time. "Not only am I unmoved by this 'groundbreaking' reveal," she writes, "but I can't imagine who reasonably would care—except for the most high-end, most… Read more
I always found Metal Gear Solid 4 to be not a brilliant game, but a fascinating one. A mad ideologue glutted with…
Leigh Alexander writes about the games we play to feel in control while our messy, ugly lives buzz in the background.
Having Mad Skills is a huge part of the video game culture mythos. Do you remember the future promised to us in the…

Japanese RPGs used to be a lot more controversial. Or maybe it was just because I was a teenager during the genre's…

I think I know part of the reason Chrono Cross is less acknowledged than its predecessor, Chrono Trigger. It's…
Nathan Drake has recently purchased a new MacBook, after talking to several of his friends about it for several…
Kotaku columnist Leigh Alexander has put together a funny collection of "Stuff Gamers Say" over at the…
2011 was yet another good year for video games, but on its face it was a little predictable.

I am pretty much the biggest Metal Gear Solid fan there is, and I really, really hope that Metal Gear Solid 5…