"What you're seeing is Advanced Warfare," says Kevin Spacey's Jonathan Irons at the start of this official gameplay launch trailer for November 3's installment of the Call of Duty series. Well, there you go then.
Let's get ready to Batman. Batman: Arkham Origins hits stores on Friday, leaving us enough time for several hundred preparatory views of the official launch trailer. Going to Batman so hard this weekend. How about you?
You could probably show me a 30 second clip of any part of The Last of Us and I'd be able to remember all the good…
Most people probably play Halo titles for the multiplayer. I don't blame them. But the singleplayer campaign in Hal…
BioWare's Mass Effect 3 launch trailer was great. The high-intensity of the final chapter in the sci-fi universe…
The trailer is chock full of jazzy music and gore, along with quotes from various publications heralding the…