The latest update to thatgamecompany’s Sky: Children of Light introduced a new hat that has stirred up controversy…
“We want you to feel like a kid going to a magical theme park,” says ThatGameCompany’s Jenova Chen in IGN’s new…
Watch Journey creator Jenova Chen's DICE talk about how to make emotional games, including that emotional fan-letter.
Last year's standout PS3 game Journey was an emotional experience for many. That was certainly the case for Sophia,…
From his mouth to the screen, as seen in the PlayStation blog interview with thatgamecompany's Jenova Chen about…
Sorry, Nathan Drake, but you and your fully-tucked shirt are not the best thing I saw this week for the PlayStation…
Jenova Chen is the designer of genre-bending, artfully crafted games Cloud, FlOw and Flower. He's the co-founder of…
flOw and Flower developer thatgamecompany is making something new, Journey, a game that's about singing, sand,…
"Obviously the in-game music was entirely electronic, with the exception of choral voices," blogs Wintory, "but I…
The two games do look mighty similar and have pretty much the same player objective. When people pointed that out in…
"Everything is intense the first time you experience it," says Jenova Chen, the 27-year-old creative director at…
flOw is one of those interesting little games that keeps on kicking (it's certainly made the rounds at this point)…