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The remastered version of Full Throttle, LucasArts’ classic biker adventure, is coming out next month. It’s releasing on April 18, which is one day after my birthday. I see what you’re trying to do, Tim Schafer. You want to one-up me. Well, joke’s on you because nobody cared about my birthday to begin with. Take that!

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Here’s our first look at Full Throttle: Remastered. It looks pretty much exactly how I would expect a remastered edition of Full Throttle to look, which, not complaining! It’ll be out next year, at which point we can collectively suss out whether or not the bulk of the game holds up as well as that amazing intro

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Double Fine is remastering Full Throttle for PS4! Also, their remastered version of the wonderful adventure game Day of the Tentacle comes out this March. It’ll be on PS4 and Vita.
