The four ‘newly animated’ Naruto episodes were supposed to celebrate the series’ 20th anniversary
Sony has done a great job with its exclusive PlayStation Network titles of promoting the kind of games you wouldn't…
"Obviously the in-game music was entirely electronic, with the exception of choral voices," blogs Wintory, "but I…
The two games do look mighty similar and have pretty much the same player objective. When people pointed that out in…
"Everything is intense the first time you experience it," says Jenova Chen, the 27-year-old creative director at…
European PSP owners are going to get a few former PlayStation Network only titles in cold, hard physical media…
Into the Pixel is a juried art exhibition that selects sixteen works of video game art to be displayed both…
It's hard not to notice the similarities between Spore's Cell Phase and the PlayStation Network game flOw, and when…
flOw is one of those interesting little games that keeps on kicking (it's certainly made the rounds at this point)…