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Netflix Japan had the Stranger Things kids meet up with Japan’s most famous gamer Takahashi-meijin, he of the “16 shots in one second” and star of Hudson’s Adventure Island. Watch the brief video to see who had the best Famicom skills.
Netflix Japan had the Stranger Things kids meet up with Japan’s most famous gamer Takahashi-meijin, he of the “16 shots in one second” and star of Hudson’s Adventure Island. Watch the brief video to see who had the best Famicom skills.
The 16-bit era had unique visuals. Simple yet bright and colorful, we could always get lost in the tiny details.…
For nearly 30 years, Hudson's human mascot has been Takahashi Meijin, who rose to prominence during the company's…
Nintendo's WiiWare service is giving Hudson another opportunity to turn sidescrolling platforming fans onto this…
Hey, it's Hudson icon, Takahashi Meijin! Otherwise known as Master Higgins. Dude's in the US at the moment on a…