Time to brush up on your jurisprudence, y’all, because today Capcom announced The Great Ace Attorney games are…
Over at the indispensable Legends of Localization website, author Clyde Mandelin has rounded up a list of the…
I’ve never written smutty fan fiction, but you can bet your butt that if I did, it would be about Phoenix Wright.
The Ace Attorney anime is coming back for a second season! A-1 Pictures is handling animation duty, and season two will debut this fall.
The Ace Attorney 1 - 6 Premium Edition pack has to be one of the most expensive Nintendo 3DS game bundles ever…
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is coming to the 3DS eShop this November for $19.99. Originally released for the original DS in 2008, the 3DS game features updated 3D graphics, and includes both the Japanese and English versions, with odd regional variations intact. Neat!
Following our report on Capcom taking down fan translated videos of Dai Gyakuten Saiban, the videos are back up on YouTube. If you don’t mind me, I’m gonna go see what’s up with Asougi.
![Fans Spend 8 Months Subtitling <i>Ace Attorney</i> Game, Capcom Slaps Them Down [UPDATE]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/ehihjmj1zpa1gb0jc7cc.jpg)
After spending months translating a Japanese Ace Attorney game on YouTube, two fans had their subtitled videos taken…
Like sake? Wine? How about Capcom games? Then, Kyoto-based drinks maker Shiraito Shuzo has some beverages for you.
In a world plagued by legal manipulation, political corruption, and a general lack of fairness for the…
The next Phoenix Wright game is coming reaaalllll soon, you guys. Spirit of Justice will be out on September 8. There’s a demo hitting on August 25.
When dreaming up Phoenix Wright back in the early 2000s, series creator Shu Takumi picked a date that seemed wayyyyy…

Clearly unafraid of Final Fantasy XV, and stealing all of my free time, Capcom is releasing the next Phoenix Wright…

With five main games and four meaty spin-offs, the only thing surprising about Ace Attorney getting an anime is that…