While Ubisoft isn’t showing off the insides of the Star Trek bridge simulator it’s creating with developer Red Storm Entertainment until Monday, they do have a few details to go along with this picture of Geordi, Seven of Nine and New Bones freaking out with headsets on.
According to a report over at ABC, stars from two and a half Star Trek settings (Abrams hasn’t earned it yet) donned Oculus Rift headsets on a soundstage in order to record a promotional video for the Trek VR game Ubisoft will be showing off Monday morning at E3.
While we see Jeri Ryan, Levar Burton and Karl Urban waving their hands about and giggling, they’re seeing themselves as the captain and crew of the starship Aegis. In the game, due out this fall for PlayStation VR, Rift and Vive, four players take on the role of captain, tactical officer, engineer or helm officer. Once the crew is assigned their stations they will work together to complete missions both story-focused and randomly generated. Players get to decide how to approach combat and exploration. Do they utilize the Kirk approach, or react like sensible, non-crazy people? It’s up to them.
It’s interesting to read the stars’ accounts of the experience. Having watched Star Trek for most of my life (I’m now re-watching Enterprise but I also watch Star Trek TV shows), I imagine this sort of thing would be old hat for the actors. Not so, according to the ABC article.
“This wasn’t anything like you see on the show,” said Ryan, a cast member on “Voyager” for four seasons. “When we were shooting it, the bridge set was all plywood and plastic. When you’re looking at the ship’s monitors, they were either green screens or just big openings in the walls. This was incredible. It’s what it would be like if it were real.”
I imagine at that point the VR game started blushing and wandered away all flustered.
Star Trek: Bridge Crew will get its act together for its Monday debut at Ubisoft’s 2016 E3 press conference. Sight unseen I can say I’ve not been this excited about a virtual reality experience.
No “since” or anything. Just haven’t been this excited, period.