Earlier this week, Sony announced that the upcoming PS4 racing game DriveClub would have a very terrible upgrade plan: PlayStation Plus members would be able to get a demo of the game for free, then upgrade for $50—$10 cheaper than retail—but the whole game would disappear as soon as their PS Plus membership expired.
Unsurprisingly, fans reacted poorly—why would anyone want to pay $50 for a game that only lasts as long as you keep paying a membership fee?—and took to Twitter and message boards to share their distaste for Sony's decision.
Good news. Today, Sony's reversed course:
UPDATE: Our priority for DRIVECLUB is to enable you to play and enjoy everything it has to offer and PlayStation recognises that the prior plan for DRIVECLUB entitlement for the upgrade to the PS Plus edition was not appropriate. As a result, we have adjusted the PlayStation Plus terms for DRIVECLUB.
Now, If you intend on downloading DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition, and upgrading to the full game experience, you will have access to the full game even if your PlayStation Plus subscription runs out.
Good work, Internet. Here's yet more proof that voicing feedback online and sending your thoughts to big corporations really does work—so don't ever stop.