We’re at the dawn of a new era for Overwatch’s Roadhog. No longer will his hook plunge through walls with no resistance. No longer will it magically drag enemies who are clearly in front of us back around behind us. It’s time for Hook 2.0, Overwatch principal designer Geoff Goodman announced yesterday.
But before we can enter the age of Hook 2.0, Blizzard has to test it out. And, oh boy, is there salt all over the Overwatch PTR.
Goodman’s post on the Battle.net forums explained that Roadhog’s hook will now undergo a “new persistent line-of-sight check back to Roadhog once the hook has landed.” Goodman explains that, “if this check fails, the hook breaks off and returns to Roadhog.” So, if there’s a wall or environmental object between you and Roadhog, Roadhog will be able to toss out his hook, but it won’t hook you. It will “break” contact.
What will that look like? Well, like an army of cursed souls forever beholden to find flaws in Overwatch, the player base has gone to work on the PTR:
Here, on the new Oasis map, Roadhog can’t hook a Lucio from behind a tree:
Okay. Hmm. I guess that seems fair. Maybe it’s a little sensitive now. But, hey, it’s just the PTR! Nothing to see here.
The second big change for Hook 2.0 is where hooked enemies will land. Currently, they can land anywhere from immediately behind you to a few meters above your head. In a perfect, Roadhog world, they will land in front of you, where you can punch them with your hook hand or shoot them with your scrap gun and they will die immediately. According to Goodman, the Overwatch team is now adding “a cap on how far ‘to the side’ you can be pulled, so you can’t just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff.”
Now, let’s take a look at the funhouse mirror Roadhog world that is the Overwatch PTR right now:
Hm. Looks like that thing you can’t do you can do. Players have found the Overwatch equivalent of Bowser’s “side-B” attack in Super Smash Bros, the height of cheap gameplay.
Here, a player pulls a training bot behind a wall.
This is fine. It’s just the PTR. It’s not like Hook 2.0 is launching innocent Mercys into orbit.
Oh. Hm. Well, if wasn’t for Overwatch’s meticulous, bug-finding player base, what would the game even look like?