Civilization: Beyond Earth will come out on October 24, publisher 2K Games announced today. And if your immediate reaction to that news is to wonder why everything is coming out in October, you're not alone.
The full schedule for October 2014 is insane. INSANE. Take a look (h/t Wikipedia):
October 3: Super Smash Bros. (3DS)
October 5: Skylanders: Trap Team
October 7: Alien: Isolation / Dragon Age: Inquisition / Driveclub / Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor / NBA 2k15 / NBA Live 15
October 14: Borderlands: The Presequel / Raven's Cry
October 21: Battlefield Hardline, Evolve, Fantasia: Music Evolved, Just Dance 2015, The Evil Within
October 24: Civilization: Beyond Earth, Fantasy Life
October 28: Assassin's Creed Unity, Sunset Overdrive, WWE 2K15
That's a lot of games. And we're not even counting the indies, digital releases, and other surprises that haven't been announced yet (looking at you, Assassin's Creed Comet). Prepare your wallets—and vacation days—accordingly.