Last week, Nintendo started a controversial program lets YouTubers make money off of any Nintendo-related videos submitted for approval. The process was supposed to take two to three days, but today Nintendo announced that they're having trouble keeping up with the demand.
As spotted by Venture Beat, here's what the Nintendo website says about the situation:
Due to your enthusiasm for the program, we're receiving a higher volume of applications to register channels & videos than expected. It is taking longer than we anticipated to confirm the applications. We appreciate your patience as we work through them as quickly as possible.
The program, as we described it last week, lets people earn advertising proceeds on anything from Let's Plays to criticism of Nintendo gameplay footage, provided the videos or channels in question are sent to Nintendo first. The program came under fire from prominent YouTubers like Pewdiepie and Jim Sterling, because the rate of money given to YouTubers could be "changed arbitrarily," and the application process meant that YouTubers would have to wait before their videos could start making money. It's the sort of scheme that, while beneficial to Nintendo, can potentially get in the way of timely YouTube content that is unbiased.
While it's unfortunate that Nintendo can't keep up with the demand, they do have some advice for anyone that is looking to expedite the process...though, looking at their advice only reveals more problems with this plan in the first place. Notice how they mention that people looking to monetize channels can only have games from the Nintendo-approved whitelist? That's absurd! The alternative is submitting videos individually, which means waiting even longer for each one.
Take a look—the bolded emphasis is mine:
Please note that we are not able to register channels and videos that are not in line with our Terms of Service.
-We are only able to register videos that contain game titles specified on the list of supported games.
-We are only able to register channels that contain game titles specified on the list of supported games.
NOTE: (If you have not submitted your channel for registration yet)
If a video within your channel contains game titles outside of the list of supported games, please remove it from the channel before registering. If you are unable to remove the video from your channel, please register each video that contains game titles on the list of supported games individually.
NOTE: (If you have already submitted your channel for registration)
If you have already submitted your channel for registration and it includes video(s) that contain game titles outside of the list of supported games, please remove those videos from your channel within two weeks of the submission date. If the video(s) are not removed from the channel within this time, your channel will not be registered with the program. You may resubmit your channel for registration at a later date.
Terms of Service
List of Supported Games