Rockstar Games' Max Payne 3 is apparently getting Game Informer cover treatment this month, as early issues of the magazine appear to be already in subscriber's hands. So, what's going on with Max Payne these days?
According to early, still rumored details from the mag, Max Payne 3 will move the series to Sao Paulo, Brazil, featuring a paunchier, balder, more heavily bearded Payne. The game is said to take place more than a decade after Max Payne 2, but the middle-aged pot-bellied Payne hasn't lost his penchant for "bullet time" slow-motion action over the years. That mechanic is reportedly still intact.
Another rumored update is that Max Payne 3 will feature some sort of multiplayer component. We'll have to wait until the newest issue of Game Informer arrives at the office to learn more.
Max Payne 3 is slated for release sometime this Winter. Thanks to Patrick for the early details.