You are looking at a replica 92FS built entirely of LEGO. Impressive, right? Well, you too can put together your own. Here's how.
This how to is from Jeff Boen's The BrickGun Book, which is a building guide for life-sized LEGO handguns, including the 1911, the BG22 with Magazine, the Desert Eagle, the MAC-11, and the 92FS.
Boen runs popular website and is well-known among LEGO builders for his incredibly accurate brick replica guns. For Boen, this is his favorite BrickGun creation, noting how it even looks like the real handgun when the slide is back.
"When I built the first BrickGun model it was just to see if I could come with something that looked vaguely like the classic 92 pistol," Boen writes on "Once I decided to add moving mechanical functions I never dreamed where it would lead. I had no idea that it would become the thing that I'll probably be most known for."
Above, you can how the 92FS, a gun that has appeared in numerous video games, compares to its brick counterpart. Here's how to build yours:
Note that the brick handgun replica does not fire projectiles—nor is it designed to do so.
LEGO or not, this subject matter might not appeal to all tastes. But, if you are interested in replica guns and like LEGO, you can find out more on the book's official site.
The BrickGun Book [Official Site]
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