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Korean Schoolbook Doodles Make Learning More Fashionable

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You know how textbook illustrations often look old fashioned? Time to get out those pens and markers and bring them into the 21st century!

Sometimes the dated illustrations are due to the subject matter or other times they're because of the age of the book itself. For the past couple of years, students in South Korea have been updating their textbooks with funny doodles—either they've added modern fashion or simply made the images look cuter.

These images have been making the rounds recently on Korean websites (here, here, and here) as well as elsewhere online in Asia. Some of the doodles are from a few years back, so apologies if you've seen them. Many of these doodles are done with tongue planted firmly in cheek, knowingly doing send ups of present day Korean fashion and hairdos.


교과서 낙서들 []

수업 시간이 지루했던 화가 [Widesum]

[언어의 형상] 짱구 작가의 성인개그 [Ruliweb]

교과서 훈남훈녀로 바꾸기 [Instiz]

교과서 낙서 VS 칠판 낙서 [Happy!!!]

교과서낙서하기 [Nate]

흔한 교과서 훈남훈녀 [Ezday]

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