Love Plus is a popular DS dating sim from Konami — in Japan, it's the sleeper hit of the year or something! The game allows players to date in-game characters. This Love Plus is something else entirely.
Located right up the street from Shibuya 109, Love Plus is also a newly opened massage parlor. Look, there are girls in school uniforms, kinda like in the Konami game and a billion other video games in Japan.
But this love plus has step ladders.
And massage chairs.
Relaxing! On the establishment's homepage, it is made clear several times that this is not a place of prostitution and customers who put the make on therapists or try to get them to remove their clothes will be asked to leave. Doesn't sound like this place of business is being coy, maybe honest?
The goal here is relaxation — and climbing stairs!
Forty minutes is priced at ¥7,000, not including the ¥1,000 entrance fee. That's more expensive than Love Plus the game, and people can play it longer than forty minutes.