Since Nintendo won't be releasing a Kid Icarus game on the Wii any time soon, OTT Games decided to release something very similar in Icarian: Kindred Spirits. Turns out it might have been too similar.
Despite the fact the WiiWare game has been reviewed by several outlets, and despite the fact it's already out in Europe, OTT have only now changed its name to "NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits". Which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
Asked why the move was made after the game was already out, OTT CEO Rob Alvarez says:
There will be a new version of the game with the new name in the next days. That's the only change. It has to do with a trademark claim by another videogame company. We are a small indie developer and could not fight for our rights.
It's OK. We know it's Nintendo. Or not! A Twitter post from the developers explicitly says the move "has NOTHING to do with Kid Icarus".
Shame. The game had been getting some good reviews as Icarian. But now, I'd knock a point or two off just for "NyxQuest". Ungh.
Over The Top Games Forced To Rename Icarian: Kindred Spirits [Edge]