Two years ago, I'm at PAX in Seattle. I'm trying to cover every indie game possible, but even I have my limits. I spot a game called Armillo, don't pay it much mind, but a developer ropes me in. It's a Super-Mario-Galaxy-Bomberman-Sonic kind of thing. Looks slick. I'm impressed. I post about it. Commenters like it. Then the game disappears.
The developers from Fuzzy Wuzzy games had told me in September 2011 that Armillo was six months out from release. They said they were hoping to put it on Xbox Live Arcade or Steam and PC. Something.
The world's barely seen Armillo since then, but Nintendo recently announced its booth plans for this year's PAX. Past the mentions of Pokémons and Wonderful 101s, something caught my eye. Armillo was on there! Fuzzy Wuzzy's game is back. Armillo is coming to the Wii U's eShop.
The trailer above shows how the game has come along. If you're at PAX, you can see it yourself. Look for it at Nintendo's booth each day from noon to 2pm. Or follow development at the game's official site.
Armillo is slated for release on the Wii U in North America during the first three months of 2014.
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