The LittleBigPlanet blog has undergone a transformation while we were all busy deciding the leader of our country, giving way to LittleBigWorkshop, a place to find inspiration, share building tips, and create wallpaper to somehow aid others in building their own LittleBigPlanet levels. The Inspiration section of the site contains images meant to spur the imagination (LOLcats), and the Workshop section is where people can share fan-made tutorial videos, such as this helpful video that shows that cats and dogs can indeed live together. I don't know about you guys, but I am inspired. At least they've got the Blueprint Room, where you can spend all day at work planning and plotting out your newest creations, printing them out to use as reference later. The dogs and cats can't take that away from us. LittleBigWorkshop [Official Site] Update: The dog and cats video has been neutered. It went something like this.
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